Just e-mail them if you want to know. I'm sure it wouldn't take much actual effort to obtain a price from sales. Go here, and there's instructions. *www.comcast.com/peering/* ** Having said that, bandwidth from your host (softlayer) has direct comcast private peering (back in 2008, anyways -- http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=740564). Maybe you can find a looking glass somewhere and verify it's still true, and just use them. I wouldn't expect them to honor your DSCP or QOS marking though, or someone larger than you would have already done this. Not likely to work. On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Nabil Sharma <nabilsharma@hotmail.com>wrote:
PC: I also wish to know how much the Comcast "Paid Peering" service costs, and if this is an option that can get us the delivery we require. Could you please help me to understand why it is protected by NDA? Is there anyone on the NANOG list who can share this pricing with me in private? Sincerely, Nabil