On 5/29/07, John Curran <jcurran@istaff.org> wrote:

P.S.  I'm not at this NANOG, and it's probably too late
       to round up presentations, but what might be
       really helpful to most folks would be presentations
       which cover some or most aspects (getting transit,
       address planning, routing, firewall, DNS/DHCP) of
       dropping IPv6 into existing IPv4 service providers
       with destroying today's production services by
       accident.   Real world experience is preferred over
Thanks for the thoughtful post John. 
Along these lines, we have some time during the Peering BOF at the upcoming NANOG in Bellevue if there are folks that can speak to
+ operational experiences peering IPv6 traffic,
+ maybe some gotchas,
+ lessons learned types of things.
For a BOF we don't need formal slides, approvals, etc. just folks willing to share their experiences with the group in 2-5 minutes... Send me email if you are interested.
