On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Justin Church wrote:
Vince Hoffman wrote:
On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Gunther Stammwitz wrote:
Hello colleages,
I'm trying to find out how one can measure the performance or quality of a network for gamers and voip-users. Both applications are very sensitive to packetloss, delays or jitter since they're using udp instead of tcp and are very timing critical.
==> Which tools (under linux) are you using in order to measure your own network ore on of your upstreams in terms of "gameability" or voip-usage?
Ordinary pings won't help since routers are regulary dropping them and even an end-to-end ping is not perfect since one of the hosts might be busy or something like that?
Starting your favorite online game and play on a server that is being housed in your own network isn't the solutions I'm looking for :-(
Your ideas are appreciated :-)
iperf is probably your best bet here, although it needs a client/server config which isnt alway practical. it might be worth looking at pchar http://www.kitchenlab.org/www/bmah/Software/pchar/ which is pretty in depth if damm slow ;)
I too am looking for a tool to measure qos metrics for a voip deployment. Whatever this 'something' ends up being, it needs to be highly distributed - colocated with endpoints, do call simulation, provide some reasonable means of centrally collecting the results, and above all cheap, since dense distribution is key. Does such a magical tool exist?
If you are using cisco kit you could use the saa stuff which will simulate calls and provide you with jitter data[1] and knock together a few shell scripts for data collection (or use something like cricket/mrtg) Vince [1] http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/126/saa.html