The "definition" of broadband is almost exclusively used in reporting. It usually is not the definition used for minimum requirements for funding builds.
It's what is used to determine where to build, not what is built.
That's why I've been so persistent in this thread. The expansion of the definition just dilutes the opportunity for those with a real need (such as having 1.5/384) to seek parity.
Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions
From: "Jared Brown" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 7:46:10 AM
Subject: Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections
On Sunday, 30 May 2021 Mike Hammet wrote:
> Why 100/100?
Because subsidies should only be used for long term solutions.
The definition of broadband is mainly relevant to determine who should receive subsidies. Commercial broadband has already far surpassed the minimums.
- Jared