On Wed, 16 May 2001, John M . Brown wrote:
While I could agree that its not a problem till someone tries to use it, I point out that ARIN does make an announcement when they are going to start issuing from a new IANA block.
And I'll counter-point out that ARIN is notifying relevant groups in its Region. Why would you expect the RIPE NCC to formally notify a group (nanog) that is not in its region (Europe) ? To keep this operational, this lists the various /8s and who is (nominally) in charge of 'em; it may be of interest to people who haven't reviewed their filters in ages: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space
We, The Net Operators, should have this information so that we can update our filters, should we see fit to, and thus cause as little negative impact as possible.
s/The Net/The North American Network/ s/possible/possible to traffic that transists North America/ --==-- Bruce. currently not in North America, and certainly speaking for myself ;)