What's the going rate these days that you have to pay to make sure your fiber gets spliced first rather than that other customer's 10GE?
I'm not familiar with cable break splicing procedures, but is it even possible to pay extra to have your splice done first? I would think that the logistics of splicing are such that the guy down in the hole doesn't know whose traffic is on each strand in the bundle, and his job is just to splice them as he matches them (using color codes or similar on the sheaths of the individual strands) as fast as he can. Trying to identify a specific strand and then splicing it first would greatly slow down the task of splicing them all. If you have more than 1 strand that needs to get spliced "first" it would likely take longer to identify these "special" customers and get them done first than to just splice with no priority and get the whole bundle done. jc