Damian, I HIGHLY doubt regular folks are running into issues with this, I suspect its not even geeks in general having issues, I suspect 80% plus of those having issues spend most of their time complaining about something related to v6 and the rest of the geeks not loving them/it enough. -jim On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 6:18 PM, Damian Menscher <menscher@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com
Den 4. jun. 2016 01.26 skrev "Cryptographrix" <cryptographrix@gmail.com :
The information I'm getting from Netflix support now is explicitly
me to turn off IPv6 - someone might want to stop them before they completely kill US IPv6 adoption.
Not allowing he.net tunnels is not killing ipv6. You just need need native ipv6.
This entire thread confuses me. Are there normal home users who are being blocked from Netflix because their ISP forces them through a HE VPN? Or is this massive thread just about a handful of geeks who think IPv6 is cool and insist they be allowed to use it despite not having it natively? I could certainly understand ISP concerns that they are receiving user complaints because they failed to provide native IPv6 (why not?), but whining that you've managed to create a non-standard network setup doesn't work with some providers seems a bit silly.