On 3/3/2012 11:48 AM, Faisal Imtiaz wrote:
Being in South Florida, (heavy Latin & Spanish accents) and having customers in Alabama, Tennessee (Heavy Southern accents) etc, we have had to "Tune" our ears as well as our Accents, including carefully choosing our words...
Yes, it goes both ways :) It would be very interesting to get some statistics/reports out of Apple's Siri project as to the "hardest cases". My cousin recently got an iPhone with Siri. She has a much worse drawl than mine :) She told it to "Call Jeff", and Siri says "I see no J F in your contacts". (Imagine a very heavily drawled "Jeff" more like "Jaaay-Yufff", decidedly two syllables there...) She's had mixed results with Siri :) It may be beneficial speech therapy for her, but hard to change decades of Southern :) Jeff