24 Apr
24 Apr
2:56 p.m.
In article <DM5PR07MB35809FB2252B3AA022D915B3DAB40@DM5PR07MB3580.namprd07.prod.outlook.com> you write:
The days when some in the technical community could just discard others arguments by saying that "[you] have no idea how the Internet works" have long passed. I will not get intimidated nor will I step back. Old tricks, won't work, it's as old as the dysfunctional WHOIS and will disappear.
Now I'm confused. Surely you do not mean that we should take your arguments seriously even though you have no idea how the Internet works. In my experience, the nanog crowd can be grumpy but it is entirely open to discussions that are based on facts and an understanding of the issues. R's, John