Hey folks, For those of you running/managing/dealing with openstack installations, would you be so kind as to shed some light on what you're doing for integrating Juniper and Cisco nexus devices specifically? My goals include basic stuff like managing vxlan/vni allocation and integration, etc, managing the ports to which compute nodes are connected, vpnaas, and maybe some other relatively (imho) basic functionality. The official juniper neutron plugin is from 2016 and the Cisco stuff isn't any better. Hoping there's some newer, better option out there that I should be working with, but if it's actually the case that folks are just still running just fine with the older modules on modern openstack then that's fine too. What I really want to avoid is having to hire dev contractors to write code to deal with this. Thanks, Matt Matt Harris VP OF INFRASTRUCTURE Follow us on LinkedIn! matt.harris@netfire.net 816-256-5446 www.netfire.com