Without getting in the middle of the eternal contest over who is better, LINX or AMS-IX (each has its own advantages and disadvantages), the AMS-IX website says 165Gbps, the LINX website says 95Gbps (actual publicly switched traffic), and the DECIX website says 71Gbps. Some portion of the AMS-IX traffic seems to be Dutch-specific content that stays in the country, but there is plenty of global traffic there too.
I've just been in touch with a colleague of mine and he has to add the following: "Hey a biased analysis, IIRC AMS-IX allows all kind of traffic including upstream, not only peering traffic. DE-CIX is peering only. I assume the CIXes in US behave similar. Besides that, I wonder what kind of hardware will they be using in the future, assuming they grow like all other CIXes...." [I'm posting for Andreas John here because he's currently not subscribed to this list. Hope that's okay for you.] Regards, Gunther