Is there someplace I can find tidbits of information like this? I haven't been alive decades so I must have missed that memo. Other
A few I've found but not tried out yet: OpenSource: http://www.freeipdb.org/ http://www.brownkid.net/NorthStar/ Windows: http://myips.dzoul.com/main.asp http://www.enterpriseip.net/ I make no promises as to applicability or suitability. www.sourceforge.net www.freshmeat.net These two sites might yield some more hits. -----Original Message----- From: Vadim Antonov [mailto:avg@kotovnik.com] Sent: January 29, 2003 21:50 To: Mike Bernico Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: routing between provider edge and CPE routers On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Mike Bernico wrote: than
this list I don't know where to find anyone with lots of experience working for a service provider.
Well, this list... in the old archives. The current backbone design issues were pretty much tossed around in 93-94, the "defensive networking" concept included.
I've never heard of software like that. Do you have a recommended vendor? Is it typically developed in house?
There's no sustainable market for those, so they're always home-built... Often it is just a collection of scripts and some RCS to keep configs in.
What can I say, I must work cheap!
:) --vadim