randy already asked for a kibosh on the lunacy here... I agree, it'd be nice, but... On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Alexei Roudnev wrote:
You do not need to - any router have only `1 - 10% of all routing table active, and it is always possible to optimize these alghoritms.
and routing vendor's haven't already done some optomizing you think?
On the other hand - what's wrong with 4Gb on line card in big core router?
oh, please please name the router vendor that has 4gb of 'ram' (tcam/fpga/asic-'memory') on the 'linecard'. Oh, can't come up with one? One wonders why that is? If the solution were as simple as: "Joe, add 1.21jigawatts of memory to the linecard so we can support +1M routes" Don't you think the vendor would have done this to get people to stop bitching at them?
It's cheap enough, even today. And we have not 1,000,000 routes yet.
In YOUR network you don't... I'd venture to guess there are quite a few very large networks with +1M routes in them today. remember though, I'm the chemical engineer... and I was trained to MAKE the crack cocaine...