
Please be cautious about this advice, and understand the full context. 

240/4 is still classified as RESERVED space. While you would certainly be able to use it on internal networks if your equipment supports it, you cannot use it as publicly routable space. There have been many proposals over the years to reclassify 240/4, but that has not happened, and is unlikely to at any point in the foreseeable future. 

Mr. Chen-

I understand your perspective surrounding 240/4, and respect your position, even though I disagree. That being said, it's pretty dirty pool to toss this idea to an operator clearly looking to acquire *publicaly routable* space without being clear that this suggestion wouldn't meet their needs. 

( Unless people are transferring RFC1918 space these days, in which case who wants to make me an offer for 10/8? )

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 9:48 AM KARIM MEKKAOUI <amekkaoui@mektel.ca> wrote:

Interesting and thank you for sharing.




From: Abraham Y. Chen <aychen@avinta.com>
Sent: January 10, 2024 7:35 AM
To: KARIM MEKKAOUI <amekkaoui@mektel.ca>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org; Chen, Abraham Y. <AYChen@alum.MIT.edu>
Subject: 202401100645.AYC Re: IPv4 address block
Importance: High


Hi, Karim:


1)    If you have control of your own equipment (I presume that your business includes IAP - Internet Access Provider, since you are asking to buy IPv4 blocks.), you can get a large block of reserved IPv4 address for free by disabling the program codes in your current facility that has been disabling the use of 240/4 netblock. Please have a look at the below whitepaper. Utilized according to the outlined disciplines, this is a practically unlimited resources. It has been known that multi-national conglomerates have been using it without announcement. So, you can do so stealthily according to the proposed mechanism which establishes uniform practices, just as well. 



2)    Being an unorthodox solution, if not controversial, please follow up with me offline. Unless, other NANOGers express their interests.






Abe (2024-01-10 07:34 EST)




On 2024-01-07 22:46, KARIM MEKKAOUI wrote:

Hi Nanog Community


Any idea please on the best way to buy IPv4 blocs and what is the price?


Thank you





