Before this snowball gets any bigger, I would like to reiterate the previous commenter calling for this present political discussion to move elsewhere. Here's the NANOG AUP we've all agreed to: NANOG Acceptable Use Policy * Discussion will focus on Internet operational and technical issues as described in the charter of NANOG<https://www.nanog.org/history/charter>. * Postings of issues inconsistent with the charter are prohibited. * Postings of political, philosophical, and legal nature are prohibited. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. -mel On Nov 13, 2016, at 12:49 PM, Scott Weeks <surfer@mauigateway.com<mailto:surfer@mauigateway.com>> wrote: --- jfmezei_nanog@vaxination.ca<mailto:jfmezei_nanog@vaxination.ca> wrote: The president elect chose Mr Eisenach to help fill jobs in FCC and other telecom areas of govt. ---------------------------------------------------- That'll have impact on ops, if some of the papers are correct. Briefly: https://www.engadget.com/2016/11/09/under-trump-the-future-of-net-neutrality... "Eisenach has made a career out of crusading against industry regulation" "...authored several papers and op-ed pieces that were funded by Net Neutrality opponents ..." http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-fcc-net-neutrality-zero-rating-p... "The Economics of Zero Rating." In it, Eisenach defends the concept, writing that "broad-based bans or restrictions on zero-rating plans are likely to be counterproductive and harm consumer welfare." Interesting times ahead... scott