pfffff I have seen it all now, this event came out like 3 weeks ago and I have yet to see any major attacks from China, I think no one wants trouble and china has enacted some rather strict laws to prevent such activity. I read a lot of press and china does have some propaganda mills as does any country. I believe if we react to this, we are serving obsolete cold war interests and will become instruments in harming the US economy. We are in a peace time economy, where most product designers want to remain. This issue is not open for debate. Report incidents to China Telecom for determination and prosecution. No I am not chinese, I am just an American who would rather promote good will, rather than obsolete policy. Lets move away from this, it sux Dan Hollis wrote:
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Mike Leber wrote:
This is preposterous rubbish. So some fringe group says they are going to do a protest and so you promote blocking a whole country?
Its been a long time coming actually. "the last straw" you might say.
-- Thank you; |---------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process. | | ICANN member @large | | Gigabit over IP, ieee 802.17 | | working group | | Resilient Packet Transport | | | |---------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh