We have transit through Peer1 and Telia, both accept communities. I wouldn't consider buying from someone who didn't. Jeff On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Andy B. <globichen@gmail.com> wrote:
Quick question: Would you buy transit from someone who does not support BGP communities?
Here is the story:
My company is pushing several GBit/s through various upstream providers. We have reached the point where we rely on BGP communitiy support, especially communities that can be sent to the upstream to change the way he announces our prefixes to his peers/transits.
While most decent upstream providers support this kind of traffic engineering, one of them refuses to send and accept BGP communities. I tried to contact my upstream several times through different channels to get some background as to why they would not be able to provide us this service, but all we get is tickets that get closed without an answer. Management itself does not seem to bother either.
Is this normal or is it too much to ask for BGP communities from an upstream who has points of presence in the US, Europe and Asia?
-- Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team jeffrey.lyon@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net Black Lotus Communications of The IRC Company, Inc. Platinum sponsor of HostingCon 2010. Come to Austin, TX on July 19 - 21 to find out how to "protect your booty."