Hello all! Recently, KanREN has begun purchasing Ethernet circuits from a new provider who uses a Cisco ME3400 for CPE to provide the link to us. We use primarly Juniper J-2320 and J-4350 routers for our site equipment (running JunOS 9.3 Enhanced Services). We've seen a problem getting Layer2 to function correctly with various speed and duplex settings. We tried every combo of hardcoded settings on both sides but simply couldn't resolve some L2 errors and interface resets. In the end, we found a stable setup with the J-series set to auto/auto and the ME3400 set to 100/full. Has anyone else seen similar problem using either the J-series or an ME3400? If so, did you ever find a complete resolution (or explanation)? Thanks for any insight! -- Brad Fleming Network Engineer Kansas Research and Education Network Office: 785-856-9800 x.222 Moblie: 785-865-7231 NOC: 866-984-3662