Quick question: I am thinking in a possible wholesale FTTH environment operated by a telco where the end user is connected to ISP-X via PPPoE. ONTs have built-in ATAs that can provide POTS service to a house and do SIP/VoIP over the fibre with QoS system to ensure VoIP traffic gets through. In a scenario where the data PPPoE connection is done by an external router, what are the options to operate the VoIP service so that - VoIP still uses the special lane on the GPON with QoS - VoIP gets IP from ISP-X and traffic flow via ISP-X so that telco is not involved in routing such traffic or allocating an IP address ? Is the only option to program the ONT to establish its own PPPoE session to the ISP that carries only SIP traffic (and can such a setup make use of the special "lane" reserved for VoIP traffic ? on the gPON system ?) What other scenarios exist ? In normal incumbent-only FTTH systems, does the OLT provision a special IP to the ATA via DHCP and intercepts that traffic to hand off to a local SIP server and never touches the internet ? In the USA, do CLECs have access to homes served only by FTTH ? If so, how it is accomplisehd ?