Whoa!! Sarcasm is so hard these days. The attached list of 10 is fiction. Pure and Simple. It was ment to point out that the players on the NAPS will change over time and that my PERSONAL impression is that the big-boys with Madison Ave backing (obscure US specific reference for advertizing folks) will bury the existing commercial players in the next few years. This is only after I have been off my chocolete ration for too long and I am depressed.
I am very glad to see it. Dumb me, no one ever posted it to the other lists and I think its important,
Joseph Stroup
On Wed, 31 Aug 1994 bmanning@ISI.EDU wrote:
01- RealTimeRUs Net 02- BlockbusterNet 03- GameNet 04- 1900 05- MJ/PP music&videos 06- TPCinc 07- NBC 08- EDS/RJR 09- Sprint 10- MCI
Everyone else is next tier as a reseller or vertical niche player. Or did you not want the 5 year view?
-- --bill