Masataka, Numbers? Examples? This is simply incorrect in many places. The only reasons to run PON are financial, since Ethernet out performs it, are you saying that all greenfield PON installs are cheaper done as Ethernet without exception? On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Masataka Ohta < mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote:
Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The fiber plant would presumably be paid for with 30-year bonds, same as any other municipal infrastructure (eg. water and sewer lines--the real "pipes"), for which interest rates are currently running around the rate of inflation. There is no need to pay them off quickly.
In addition, as PON is even less efficient initially when subscriber density is low and there are few subscribers to share a field splitter (unless extremely lengthy drop cables are used, which costs a lot), PON is slower to pay them off.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- http://twitter.com/kscotthelms --------------------------------