On Wed, 13 Mar 1996, Jim Browning wrote:
A. a single allocation capable of supporting planned growth, or B. incremental allocations of *contiguous* blocks
InterNIC's current CIDR allocation practice does not support either of these options.
Here's an idea. Let new ISP's reserve large blocks (say /16's) in 65/8, 66/8, .... but don't let them actually use these addresses on the global Internet. Then, the ISP can run a Network Address Translation gateway and give their customers 65/8 addresses while still using a chunk from their provider's block. And they can switch providers without forcing their customers to renumber. Then, after they have demonstrated that they should be given a /16, open up the block they were given in 65/8 for use without the NAT.
Of course, there is one little problem with this....
bash$ whois 65 Air Force Logistics Command (ASN-LOGNET) LOGNET-AS 65 IANA (RESERVED-7) Reserved -
bash$ whois 96 Army Finance and Accounting Office (ASN-JTELS) JTELS-BEN1-AS 96 IANA (RESERVED-8) Reserved -
How did these guys get such big chunks of address space reserved?
by 'these guys' you mean the air force logistics command? the number you looked up is an aut num, not the network. iana has these reserved, not air force. or i've misinterpreted your question... carbon:~ $ whois -h rs.internic.net asn-jtels Army Finance and Accounting Office (ASN-JTELS) "Fort Ben Harrison Indianapolis, IN 46249-1136 " Autonomous System Name: JTELS-BEN1-AS Autonomous System Number: 96 Coordinator: Reilly, William (RR26) REILLY@INDPLS-ASAFM1.ARMY.MIL (COM) (317)543-7179 (DSN) 699-7179 Record last updated on 10-Jan-91. carbon:~ $ whois -h rs.internic.net ASN-LOGNET Air Force Logistics Command (ASN-LOGNET) Logistics Management Systems Center/SYU Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433 Autonomous System Name: LOGNET-AS Autonomous System Number: 65 Coordinator: Anderson, Jerome (JRA18) [No mailbox] (513) 257-4499 (DSN) 787-4499 Record last updated on 10-Jan-91. -brett