-----Original Message----- From: Shane Ronan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:39 PM Subject: Re: Restrictions on Ethernet L2 circuits?
Yipes is still offering services under the Yipes, name, at least in
NY Metro Area.
I based my information on the fact that going to yipes.com takes you to Reliance. And this "The Yipes name is (presumably) gone forever, as the company has been assimilated into a new global communications entity, Reliance Globalcom. Virtually unknown in the U.S., Reliance will need to spend heavily on branding and marketing efforts." And this: Yipes was acquired by Reliance Globalcom in December 2007. Reliance Globalcom, a division of Reliance Communications, spearheads the Global Telecom operations of India's largest Integrated Telecom Service Provider ... So while they might be operating still as Yipes in some areas, they are Reliance Globalcom out here in California.