On 05/07/12 13:05, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 05/07/2012 11:34, Jared Mauch wrote:
Live further north and you will see the difference dst makes.
This is true. Ireland, UK, NL, Denmark, northern Germany and northern Poland are at a similar latitude to Polar Bear Provincial Park by Hudson Bay. With DST, we get much more usable evenings March through October, and the sun rises at 05:00 instead of 04:00 in the morning, so early risers don't get woken up at 4 every day. During the winter, regular time means that we have sunrise after 08:30 for 5 weeks. At this latitude, DST is serious win.
Live further north and you will see the absurdity of dst. :) I live in Norway. In summer the sun is up, in winter the sun is not up. At this latitude, dst is..meh. Henning