--- bjorn@mork.no wrote: There is nothing preventing a rogue online shop from storing and reusing the CVV you give them. Or selling your complete card details including zip code, CVV and whatever. ----------------------------------------- As a side note on the tail end of this and as someone who has had their data compromised and 1000s of dollars stolen online... ATM, though; not CC. Make a second account at your bank. One account is 'storage' and has all your money. You never use the 'storage account' ATM card for anything outside your bank's ATM machines. The second one is where you only keep $50-$100 in it. When you use your ATM card it's only this account that's used. Just before you make a purchase, move money from your 'storage account' into your 'active account' and make the purchase. If your 'active account' is compromised all they can steal is the $50-$100 in the account. scott