On 7/28/05 4:51 PM, "Geo." <geoincidents@nls.net> wrote:
No, the point is if you want the internet to be patched then you can't torture people when they come to you for the patches.
Cisco routers are being sold to every company who connects to the internet, it's one step up from consumer products. You can't expect every company who owns a cisco router to buy an expensive contract or be willing to go thru the gauntlet to get the patches.
Sorry, but its a traditional part of the product model for telecommunications equipment. PBX's, routers, pretty much everything - support contract required. Sure, you could have it a different way, but you would have to be willing to pay significantly more up front to pay for that ongoing support. Its not like the vendors are deceiving anyone here - a support contract is listed on the quote for pretty much every new piece of gear you buy from a vendor. Take it from Ice-T - "don't hate the player, hate the game". Words to live by. [snip]
George Roettger Netlink Services
Daniel Golding