I was doing some web searches on the Internet's performance during the last US presidential election in 1996. Things haven't changed very much. Randy Bush was still asking why people are asking about network outages on NANOG instead of calling the providers NOCs. AGIS and BBN were having routing problems. The rat in the power plant at Stanford was autopsied. People were SYN flooding IRC sites. And web operators woefully underestimated the crowd effects on their servers. But I found this quote about how we could improve the Internet's performance amusing. The Internet needs a faster backbone using Asynchronous Transfer Mode technologies, and companies should locate their servers on server farms, Jenkins said. "There needs to be some sharing of bandwidths and consolidation of resources into a high-speed backbone," he said. (Computerworld) PS, the e-mail address does not imply representation, my normal non-work domain is under-the-weather.