I do alot of stuff on a system sitting on a T1 to CW from my home which (through work) gets to the net via frac-T3 to Sprint and UUNet. Suddenly, yesterday connectivity from work/home to CW began to suck horribly. Today, it's no better. I called the Sprintlink NOC yesterday, and their response was it was an overloaded peering point in Washington, and don't hold my breath waiting for it to improve. Has anyone else noticed / been affected by this? Between the packet loss and the latency, a 300bps modem would be preferable. I can get about half a line ahead of pine while typing, waiting for chars to show up so I can see my typos. Maybe we should cancel the increase we just ordered in our Sprint T3 and order a CW frac-T3 instead. Hostname %Loss Rcv Snt Best Avg Worst 1. maui.atlantic.net 0% 19 19 1 3 26 2. border1-s2-1.Orlando-WCom.atlantic.n 0% 19 19 21 40 99 3. sl-gw3-orl-6-0-1.sprintlink.net 0% 19 19 23 55 192 4. sl-bb10-orl-0-3.sprintlink.net 0% 19 19 23 38 98 5. sl-bb10-rly-1-0.sprintlink.net 0% 19 19 40 55 105 6. sl-bb2-dc-4-0-0.sprintlink.net 0% 19 19 42 58 100 7. core7-hssi0-0-0.Washington.cw.net 12% 15 18 1024 1083 1150 8. corerouter1.WashingtonEast.cw.net 6% 16 18 1038 1081 1144 9. acr1-loopback.Restonrst.cw.net 0% 17 18 1031 1079 1159 10. 95% 0 17 0 0 0 11. pride.se.cw.net 95% 0 17 0 0 0 12. webserver.ie.cw.net 0% 16 17 1014 1086 1161 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| Spammers will be winnuked or System Administrator | nestea'd...whatever it takes Atlantic Net | to get the job done. _________http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key__________