On 12/Jul/20 14:00, Paul Nash wrote:
Not quite VSAT, but in the bad old SA days (pre-demicracy), I did some work for a company that used a UK-based satellite provider for data to the client (data was sent in the VBI), and dial-up for the traffic from the client.
Still relied on a local provider for the dial-up, though, so could be censored.
Yes, in these scenarios, we called the uplink the "back-channel" :-). And it could be anything, including dial-up. It was not uncommon to buy uplink via SCPC from one provider, and downlink via DVB on an inclined orbit satellite from a totally different provider. This was a very common model between 2000 - 2009, where your uplink and downlink ISP's were vastly different. And who says the Internet must be symmetric :-)? Mark.