R. Irving wrote:
Thank you people doing all the ICANN politics for destroying the Internet.
You know, last time someone ( Robert Metcalfe <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Metcalfe>) prophesied the death of the Internet, when it didn't come true... we made him eat his words. You up for a repeat ?
Wow, you are comparing a nobody like me to a person like Dr. Metcalfe, I am honored, though I don't even start to think that I even compare to him in any way, thus why you come up with that comparison? Just amazing. That said, 'destroying' is not 'death at 11', also I am not so silly to do bets on things. Nice try, but it doesn't work for me. I guess you better stick to the lurking. As for destroying the Internet, it is going to work out that way, as the .com as we know it won't exist any more, and most people only think ".com" when they think Internet. Then again they also only know WWW and nothing else, which is why I really don't like this DNS change which is already solved with search engines. Greets, Jeroen