On Apr 10, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Mark Kamichoff wrote:
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 11:57:31AM -0700, Owen DeLong wrote:
The fact that you can't put it into flow mode. s/flow/packet/ (oops, wasn't awake yet)
Actually, this is possible:
prox@asgard> show configuration security forwarding-options { family { inet6 { mode packet-based; } mpls { mode packet-based; } } }
The above is from an SRX210B, but the same configuration will work on any J-series or /branch/ SRX-series platform.
Right, sort of. To the extent that it works. It doesn't actually do everything you think it should, and, it's somewhat dependent on the version of JunOS as to how well it does or doesn't work.
Don't let the "mpls" keyword throw you off. This actually causes the box to run the inet /and/ mpls address families in packet mode.
I'm not unfamiliar or uninitiated in this regard. I had tickets with Juniper for over a year and it escalated quite high up their escalation chain before they finally admitted "Yeah, Services JunOS is different and it behaves differently and if you need to do what you're trying to do, you should buy an M or MX series." It's quite unfortunate. I'd really like for the SRX series to not be so crippled for my purposes. Owen