On 6/13/14, 8:26 AM, James R Cutler wrote:
On Jun 13, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Lee Howard <Lee@asgard.org> wrote:
We've corresponded offline.
I documented the difficulties in providing reverse DNS for IPv6 residential users in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns-06 It's a long-expired draft, which never found sufficient support from a WG or AD. I've been meaning to rewrap it as a BCOP, but lack cycles.
On 6/12/14 11:58 AM, "hasser css" <hasservalve@gmail.com> wrote:
Some IPv6 email is not working well for me on my TWC Internet connection due to their IPv6 block not having PTR records.
Is it possible for me to delegate my IPv6 range to my own DNS server, or something similar? I have talked to level 3 support and they were pretty much clueless, so I decide to ask here if anyone has insight or similar issues in the past.
This exchange brings to mind several questions (and comments):
1. Should not RFC 1033 be considered “Historic”? I note that iPv6 was only a faint longing and otherwise undefined at that time.
2. What is the real rdns business requirement for residential customers? I have difficulty finding anything but SMTP servers needing rdns entries. Practical end-to-end security should be independent of media and addressing.
I would like an authoritative nameserver to give me as quickly is possible. imho lame delegation of reverse is way worse then not having a ptr.
3. Would this question be better posed on the “mailop” mailing list (if SMTP service is the issue) or perhaps dns-operations@mail.dns-oarc.net?
Since “hasser css” did not explain his business requirement for rdns, it really difficult to provide advice.
James R. Cutler James.cutler@consultant.com PGP keys at http://pgp.mit.edu