On Jul 21, 2014, at 13:04 , William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Scott Helms <khelms@zcorum.com> wrote:
I'd say your experience is anomalous. I don't know which township you're in, but I'd suggest you focus on getting a set of more effective local officials.
Sure, 'cause fixing local utility problems at the voting booth has a long and studied history of success. Who do I vote for? The officials that allow rate increases and, when the utilities fail to fix the problems, allow more rate increases? Or the officials who refuse rate increases so that the utilities can't afford to fix the problems?
If you run, you can vote for yourself and try to push whatever you think is a more effective solution. If the problems are really as bad as you describe, surely you could get tremendous support from the other residents for your endeavor to resolve them. Owen