Lo and behold, Dean Anderson once said:
[Discussion about the use of .0 as broadcast deleted]
But it is interesting that the person would have thought to use it in a smurf attack... If they know that much, they really should have known better than to smurf. I hope they throw the whole bookcase at them...
Not really. The lists of smurfable addresses on the net have contained network numbers for a while now, or so goes the rumor on other lists. It could have come through someone scanning addresses sequentially to find a broadcast address (mm, exciting job), or it could have come from a clueful cracker somewhere else. It doesn't take too many brains to use the prepackaged hacking/crashing programs people can download off Bugtraq. (OTOH, there are quite a few clueful crackers out there, who've found that reading the RFCs is a good thing. Crackers reading RFCs may not be a good thing. :-) -Dave