Here's some additional information: Each NAP with RSng route servers has two route servers. If you wish to peer with RSng for statistical (or economic) reasons, you need only peer with one of them. If you don't want the route servers proxying routes, this is pretty easy. The configuration of the route-servers are built from the IRR inet-rtr object with the label of your router's IP address. We need this information for the statistics. There are two Merit specific fields in the inet-rtr object necessary to permit proxying of routes. These are the "rs-in" and "rs-out" fields. If these fields don't exist, the route servers will generate an empty filter list for your peering session and will neither send you routes, nor propogate them. The routes you send to us are still available for us to use for generating statical information, and we would really like them! RSng is also looking for feedback on what you would like to see out of our service. Please contact me at the e-mail address below if you have anything good (or bad) that we should know about it. The RSng webpages need some cleanup work, so my apologies for the clutter. You may additional information at the following URL's: RSng homepage: Establishing a peering session: On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:42:40PM -0700, Sean Donelan wrote:
A note on the FAQ. BGP peering with the route servers does not mean you have to actively announce or listen to any routing information via the route servers. Some providers have used null BGP sessions, or announced routes only to the route servers for some academic-types to study; but not for peering with other providers.
-- Jeffrey Haas - Merit RSng project -