Good news for network administrators! * Did you attend NETA'99 (The Conference on Network Administration) and liked what you saw? * Did you miss NETA'99 because you were too busy to attend? * Have you been wondering when the next NETA was going to happen? If you anwered yes to any of these questions, I have good news for you! The content of NETA has been added to LISA 2000! That's right! We're bundling NETA with LISA 2000. This will give network administrators a chance to attend the premier system administration conference, LISA, and exchange ideas with other IT professionals as well as have content relevant to their areas of expertise. In addition to the extrordinary LISA content, the great NETA content you'll also receive admission to the LISA 2000 Security Symposium all for one admission price. But the Network Symposium can't happen without your help. We're still looking for great papers to fill out the conference. If you work as a network administrator or do network administration as part of your job, consider writing a paper about what you do to make your day-to-day work easier. Have you written a "cool tool"? Are you doing some innovative network design? We want to hear about it. If you'd like to submit an abstract, please visit and fill out the form. You can always find the latest scoop on LISA 2000 at the Usenix Web site: We hope to hear from you soon, and to see you at LISA in December! -David Williamson & Bill LeFebvre LISA 2000 Network Symposium co-chairs