I suspect at more than a few companies the "Net Admin" can get a 10 minute slot on the CTO's calendar....in 2042. In the wonderful game of pass it up the food chain it probably looks something like this: Net-Admin: This IPv6 stuff is important, we should already be deploying it full-tilt. Manager: Some IPv6 testing should be reflected in next years budget. Director: I hear IPv6 is the future, but customers just aren't demanding it. VP Network: Humm, maybe I should have read the Network World article on IPv6 rather than the one on Google World Dominance. CTO: *crickets* I think this is a tool to cause everyone in that chain to have to do a lot more communicating up and down, and I think that is a very good thing at many companies, particularly large companies. There is no silver bullet here. There is no one thing that can be done that can make it all better. This is a small, but important step that will be significant to some, but not all companies. To that end I'm glad ARIN has taken it, and hope it is one of many steps that get us to the destination. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/