On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Ted Seely and I are of the same mind on this. 2 dB sounds like plenty for connector loss right up until you have to deal with multiple patch bays in a structured system with amateurishly applied mechanical splices. The difference between noting that the loss is a little high but the link still works so you roll with it, and having to spend time on the phone arguing with someone who thinks 24 dB link loss is A-OK, will make the slight additional up front cost for the better grade optics look very inexpensive indeed... This is somewhat interesting subject. The optical margins for "short-haul" optics are getting tighter. The number of crossconnects in a structural wiring system is getting larger. Given the specified SC connector insertion loss of .75dB, it is not uncommon to see loss within a facility for "working" crossconnects of 3-4dB.
Is anyone giving thought to going forward to connectors like MU/E2000 for structured wiring (which have much lower specified loss - I believe .1dB), or the installed base makes it prohibitive? -alex [not mlc anything]