Hi, Does anyone have any recommendation for a viable IPv6 tunnel broker / provider in the U.S.A. /other/ /than/ Hurricane Electric? I reluctantly just disabled IPv6 on my home network, provided by Hurricane Electric, because multiple services my wife uses are objecting to H.E.'s IPv6 address space as so called VPN or proxy provider. Netflix, HBO Max, Pandora, and other services that I can't remember at the moment have all objected to H.E. Disabling IPv6 feels *SO* *WRONG*! But fighting things; hacking DNS, null routing prefixes, firewalling, etc., seems even more wrong. Is there a contemporary option for home users like myself who's ISP doesn't offer native IPv6? Please consider this to be a Request for Comments and suggestions. Thank you and have a nice day / weekend / holiday. -- Grant. . . . unix || die