Jorge Amodio <> wrote:
If you get a court order I guess you have two choices, one is to comply with it and the other get used to wear a nice pair of matching bracelets until your attorney shows up.
Option 3: unleash your full firepower against the miscreants who have dared to invade your soil despite the sign at the gate which reads in plain English: THIS FACILITY IS EXTRATERRITORIAL AND IS NOT PART OF ANY COUNTRY NO MAKERS OR ENFORCERS OF ANY FORM OF MAN-MADE LAW ARE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES DEADLY FORCE WILL BE USED AGAINST ANY NATIONAL AUTHORITIES TRESPASSING PAST THIS BOUNDARY! Factoid: we outnumber the pigs by 1000 to 1. Even if only 1% of us were to go out and shoot a pig, we would still outnumber them 10 to 1! We *CAN* win -- wake up, people! American People vs. USA -- let's see who is stronger. MS Hold the Heathen Hammer High! With a battle cry! For the pagan past I live and one day will die.