[Apologies in advance if this is NOG but not NANOG, I figured it might be interesting to some of the people around here.]
I detected DANTE routes (some of the European research nets use that) flapping then disappearing.
Indeed. TEN-155 (the European part of DANTE's network) is up and running. However, the peering between TEN-155 and CA*NET3 is down as that uses a circuit that goes through 25 Broadway. DWS (DANTE World Service) is subscribed to by a subset of TEN-155 NRENs (National Research and Education Networks) and provides connectivity to Abilene, ESNET and UUNET. Some (but not all) subscribers do have alternative access. Abilene <--> DWS has been running on a backup circuit since Tuesday afternoon, ESNET <--> DWS was on a circuit that failed Tuesday afternoon, but UUNET had been available almost continually. There was a point where UUNET apparently lost two of their routers which took out three of the four DWS STM-4s, but they reappeared earlier today. However, all of the DWS is currently out until power is restored. Regards, Rob DANTE World Service NOC TEN-155 IP NOC JANET NOSC