25 Apr
25 Apr
6:37 p.m.
--- On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 06:01:50PM -0400, deepak@ai.net said:
Is it really hard to believe that the Chinese government would actively
The ratio of useful traffic to spam/attacks from APNIC space is already so low as to be nearly non-existent. A little active help from a governmental body couldn't make it much worse than it already is. --- Also a good point. :) I think the media makes a big deal about gov't sponsored cybermischief because I think the implication is that they'd do it better than a few kiddies. While a gov't sponsored group may use information illegally gotten better, I have never seen evidence that they are more effective or more sinister in their successes. YMMV, Deepak Jain AiNET