A dark fiber path was recently ordered to a remote location on our network, and to my surprise, the engineering report on the path is coming back at around 130 km, which is substantially longer than I expected the span to be. While I am researching gear that will drive a signal this far without a mid-span regen, I'm also inquiring with the carrier to see if there is any way to shorten the span, but I also have to be prepared for the chance that a shorter span is not possible. I've seen some pieces from MRV and Transition that might be up to the job, though most of the options I've seen are rated to 120 km, tops. That said, I'd be interested in hearing about what people who are driving similar spans. I don't think I'm going to have the budget to go out and buy Ciena/Infinera/Cisco ONS kit just for this, since I don't have any at the present time. The link is still being built, so I haven't gotten an engineering report yet. My gut tells me that the 2-point loss on the span at 1550nm will be somewhere around 30-35 dB. jms