So if you're really expecting something as macro as 40% of the population dropping dead I think one has to think much bigger and much more in the realm of unexpected consequences.
Most companies don't go under because they lose a lot of their revenue, they're often dead due to losing a relatively small amount of revenue (like 10-15%) due to fixed overheads.
I remember a relatively minor court case in Los Angeles a few years back about police brutality. Nothing really unusual about it except that there was some published video footage. And the guy's name wasn't even Rodney King. That is a prime example of the unexpected consequences when many people feel highly stressed. Small triggers lead to huge consequences. I would urge people to think about other issues rather than just working from home. Will the water supply continue to come to your home? Will the food stores continue to function? Will you still have electricity or gas to cook your food? An epidemic on this scale could impact all those systems but advance planning can mitigate against all of these except a major electrical outage. But laptops with spare batteries and a solar recharger can go a long way towards keeping one of your key personnel in operational readiness. --Michael Dillon