On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 06:39:07PM -0700, william(at)elan.net wrote:
P.S. It would really be great if IETF remained true to its origin and goals did did technical reviews and selected proposals based on the technical capabilities and not on what large company is exerting pressure on them (especially not by means of press announcements).
Yes, it would. It would also be great if the IETF realized that there is really very little need for email authentication: (a) forgery is a minor problem compared to spam, and even solving the forgery problem completely (which isn't gonna happen) would have a temporary and negligible effect on spam; (b) the authentication problem can't be "solved" anyway until the complete lack of security on hundreds of millions of network endpoints is "solved"; and (c) the originating IP address of any SMTP connection tells you _exactly_ who is responsible for that traffic, whatever it turns out to be. ---Rsk