05.02.2013 19:58, Scott Helms ?????:
Metro-Ethernet is generally the term used to describe Ethernet used as a WAN connection or as a point to point connection. There was at one time the concept of a MAN (Metro Area Network) but "metro" ethernet is now available in more scenarios than that described. The connectivity can be over fiber or copper and the speed delivered can be as low as a few mbps but commercially available offerings normally start at 5-10 mbps. On the high end its possible to get gigabit and faster connections in certain areas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_E
VPLS stands for Virtual Private Lan Services. This an umbrella technology that allows for the bridging of layer 2 traffic across various layer 2 & 3 networks. This is generally used as a replacement for a point to point metro ethernet (or other) connection.
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Abzal Sembay <serian.reg@gmail.com <mailto:serian.reg@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi experts,
I need some clarifications on these terms. Could somebody give explanations or share some links? When and how are these technologies used?
Thanks in advance.
-- Regards,
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- http://twitter.com/kscotthelms -------------------------------- Thank you, Scott and all of you for your answers and time.
From my understanding M-Ethernet is a some kind of service. Standartized technology that allows to connect multiple different networks. And it is independent from physical and datalink layers. And nowadays which tecnology is the most used(VPLS or Metro)? What about MPLS? Sorry I'm a little confused. I really want to understand. -- Regards, Abzal