Lovely, Just lovely. Just heard On CNN, Lou Dobbs. (but can't find it on their site) During a Beijing news conference John Chambers (Cisco CEO) Says "We believe in giving something back and truly becoming a Chineese company." "China will become the IT center or the world" "China will become the largest economy in the world." CNN Reports: Cisco is investing 32 Million into Changi and is training 10's of thousands of Chineese university students in Cisco technology. So.. I guess we will be cranking out those H1b's...Plan to kiss your raises and or jobs bye bye to some specialized cheap imported Cisco trained networking person from China. *SIGH* Nicole -- |\ __ /| (`\ | o_o |__ ) ) // \\ - - Powered by FreeBSD - ------------------------------------------------------ "The term "daemons" is a Judeo-Christian pejorative. Such processes will now be known as "spiritual guides" - Politicaly Correct UNIX Page Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison "Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems." - Linus Torvalds