Subject: Re: Pad 1310nm cross-connects? Date: Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 07:21:42AM +0200 Quoting Måns Nilsson (
Subject: Pad 1310nm cross-connects? Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 07:33:19PM -0700 Quoting Chris Costa (
What are the opinions/views on attenuating short, 1310nm LR cross-connects. Assume < 20m cable length and utilizing the same vendor optics on each side of the link. Considering the LR transmit spec doesn't exceed the receiver's high threshold value do you pad the receiver closer to the median RX range to avoid potential receiver burnout over time, or just leave it un-padded?
LR usually needs padding in that scenario, IMHO. This also
My apologies. I was thinking not of 10km / 20km class optics but the 80-100km stuff. There, padding is quite necessary in short-range setups. For 10/20km stuff, I, too, have run lots of 2m patch cords directly between linecards without harm. -- Måns Nilsson primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina MN-1334-RIPE +46 705 989668 One FISHWICH coming up!! Courtesy conversions: (km->miles, km-> miles, metres/100 -> feet) 10/1.6 6.25000000000000000000 80/1.6 50.00000000000000000000 200/(2.54*12) 6.56167979002624671916