16 Jun
16 Jun
2:37 p.m.
IIRC, doesn't a three-year contract of this sort involve actually adding *liabilities* to the books until the revenue is captured? I think this may have more to do with run-rates or cutting attrition since so many "allegedly" better networks are offering pricing at or below Cogent's old/original pricing. Disclaimer: Not a Cogent customer/investor. DJ James Blessing wrote:
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
Service providers who buy between one Gigabit and 10 gigabits will enjoy a three-year contract rate of $5 a meg, and those that consume a full 10 gigabit port can pay as little as $4 a meg on a three-year contract."
A cynic would say that they are trying to book the revenues to raise some finance...