So the overwhelming question for me is why? Is it simply the fact that the native *nix underpinnings are where most users (within the aforementioned demographic) spend most of their time anyway? That's what did it for me - repeated attempts to get FreeBSD to run stable on the Inspiron I had at the time. Note: The question isn't what's better, the question is what got all us router and systems jockeys so interested in the first place. If this is too OT (or has the potential to become so), feel free to kill it. On 9-Mar-08, at 3:29 PM, Randy Bush <> wrote:
i am moving to a macbook pro, or trying to, from a freebsd/winxp. but why did they have to 'add value' by mucking with freebsd and breaking my fingers? and whoever thought the mac screen was good never used my alienware 1920x1024.
at the ipv4 econ meet on tasman last week, macs were in extreme majority.